Here I am with all my grandparents. My Nanny wrote something special about them all in a poem.
I am very proud to have so many grandparents that love me so much.
This is my Granddaddy, he is my Daddy's dad. He passed away on July 22,1998. You can tell from this picture how much he loved me and I loved him a lot too.
This is my Grandmamma, she is my Daddy's mom. She loves me a lot, and right now because I can't say Grandmamma I just call her mamma. She has me spoiled rotten because we live right beside each other.
This is my Nanny, She is my Mommies mom. I am named after her and she loves me a lot. She also has me spoiled rotten and I just love to go to her house and play and feed all her animals.
This is my Pa Pa, he is my mom's stepdad. He is very foolish over me as you can tell. We have so much fun together.
This is my Great Grandma, my Daddy's Grandma. She doesn't get to see me much but she sure does love me a lot.
This is my Great Granny, she is my Mommies Granny. We don't get to see each other much either but we sure do have a lot of fun when we are together. In this picture we are having a serious conversation.
This is my Pa Pedigo & Gram. We don't see each other much cause he lives in another state. But they love me.
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